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Download and try the latest WinGate 9 free for 30 days.

Select a WinGate VPN license

WinGate VPN licensing works in the following way:

Firstly, you need to figure out how many installations of the software you need, since you need to purchase a separate license for each installation. You will need one installation for every LAN you want to join into the VPN, or for every remote single user that will be joining the VPN. For example, if you want to connect a small network to the VPN, you would need a gateway license for that network. If you want to allow a mobile user to dial up into the VPN, you would need a single user license for that user.

Secondly, for every separate LAN you wish to be able to participate in the VPN, you need to figure out what size gateway license you require. This is based on the size of that LAN. For a LAN with say 25 computers on it, most of whom want to access the VPN, you would need a gateway license for 25 user LAN. If say only 2 of these computers were going to use the VPN, then you could use a gateway license for 3 user LAN

WinGate supports a free 10 user license, feature-equivalent to a WinGate Standard license supporting 10 concurrent users, plus a WinGate VPN Single user license.

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