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Can I still use my old license?

WinGate 9

WinGate 9 requires an eligible license. Since WinGate 9 is not a free upgrade from WinGate 8 or earlier, in order to be eligible, your license requires valid version protection as at 1 June 2016.

If your existing WinGate license had current version protection at 1 Jun 2016, it will be able to be activated in WinGate 9. Otherwise you will need to renew version protection.

WinGate 8

WinGate 8 requires an eligible license. Since WinGate 8 is not a free upgrade from WinGate 7 or earlier, in order to be eligible, your license requires valid version protection as at 1 June 2013.

If your existing WinGate license had current version protection at 1 Jun 2013, it will be able to be activated in WinGate 8. Otherwise you will need to renew version protection.

WinGate 7

WinGate 7 requires an eligible license. Since WinGate 7 is not a free upgrade from WinGate 6, in order to be eligible, your license requires valid version protection as at 1 January 2011.

If your existing WinGate license had current version protection at 1 Jan 2011, it will be able to be activated in WinGate 7. Otherwise you will need to renew version protection.

WinGate 6.x

WinGate's activation client will allow you to activate any valid WinGate license, from version 2.0 onwards.

Therefore you can use your license from a previous version in WinGate 6.0, and benefit from the many bug-fixes, and some new features (some of the newer features will require an upgraded license, but you won't lose any), that are available with the new version.

We recommend you request a free trial activation (handled in the activation client software downloaded and run as part of the WinGate installation), to check out WinGate 6.0's new capabilities.